A Short Summary for Zanmek:

I want to make this clear, as well: when I debate with someone, I do play to win, but it is not for some ulterior reward, but for the love of the debate, as is the virtue of the sportsman in all games. It is a “win-win” situation, truly, since the one who “loses” a debate and is converted wins the greater boon, the prize of growth and knowledge, while the one who “wins” receives the lesser prize: the comfort of a confirmation.


Most of what I say I say for argument. I do not “hold” these arguments as “my own views”, as though they were extensions of my person and to damage them is to do injury to me. In short, I’m not a lunatic, and I would love to meet someone who’d prove me wrong consistently in such a way that I believe in spite of foregone biases. In seeking to convert, I know that I may be converted, and I run exactly the same risk as Others. That is the extent of moral obligation in this matter; all else follows from this *a priori* principle.


So long as risk is mutual, it’s fair, and none escape it. I don’t need “permission” to debate. The simple fact we hold opinions reveals an underlying thirst for Truth, and Truth decides all things. To form a point of view is to throw down the gauntlet by default, for even private thoughts are challenged. We cannot escape, so long as we are living on this Earth, that we’ll be proven wrong. As such, I must fulfill my duties to my fellow man by contradicting him. The proper answer is, “I thank you for the offer and accept your challenge. May the finer viewpoint win, and truly fortunate is he who loses.” 



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