Perhaps My Final Letter to Grevillea Grimoire:

I am not here to ask you for permission to communicate. That’s not my burden; rather, I feel obligated to explain why you were wrong to ban me in the first place.


I was NOT in violation either of your rules nor of my ethical imperatives. You were engaged in a debate regarding matters of great, even universal, import to the human psyche. I contributed what arguments I could, engaging with the other members of the Chat and disconfirming their positions for the sake of argument. I did NOT push the matter to extremes; I merely answered those points which were raised and made the necessary counterpoints according to my frame of reference.


You had no reason to suspect me of ulterior ambitions; nor do you do now. My comments could have only been of benefit both to the conversation and to those involved. I did not even hold my arguments to be my personal beliefs, but simply valid possibilities. Assuming that the Truth was our common aim, I recognized a harmless situation, one wherein my interlocutors would either have their views confirmed or, to their greater benefit, invalidated and improved. When I was met with insult, I responded with a sense of humour, so as to make clear that I had no ill will. This goodness of intent was NOT reciprocated.


Thankfully, I have the higher ground in this respect. Whatever the desires and the hidden motives of the streamer and her moderators, nothing is more crucial to a Just assessment than the proper valuation of the Truth.


I hope this reaches someone who is not completely hopeless. I was skeptical about this channel, but I did all that I could to try to understand it and to take it seriously. I can only hope the money I contributed, the raids, the fan art, and so on were not in vain, though clearly I’m naïve to think that merit matters in a forum wherein people never can experience the basic decency of being proven wrong. Perhaps I’ll know that decency if what I think of you right now proves wrong. 




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