The Persistence of Legacy: How Past Events Forge Present Attitudes (and Should). [Part II: Spike Spiegel's Star.]

[Click here to read the reddit post to whom I am replying.] None of this was hard for me to understand. Spike's dream was that he could escape the consequences of his actions, and he tried to do this through a thoroughly absurd, amoral lifestyle, drifting aimlessly through space and barely scraping by on bounty hunter gigs without concern for any of the broader moral implications. Julia was someone whom he kept within his memory as though she might be safe there as a mental image; so, he had a "dream" of her which he could wander back to as a vestige of some love or meaning in his otherwise amoral, apathetic life. So, when she died, he woke up from the dream she represented. He beheld that he could not escape his past by looking to the future. So, he sought revenge on Julia's behalf and died a martyr, ridding the entire universe of Vicious and thus finding his redemption, represented by his star up in the skies. The Beatles quote about "the weight" one has...